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Project Description

This is a semi guided project from backend development course. The aim of the project is to create a REPL based Pokédex. The project is written in Go and uses the PokeAPI to fetch Pokémon data.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to use JSON data in Go
  • Make HTTP requests in Go to fetch data from an API
  • Implement caching to reduce the number of requests made to the API


  • map, mapb command to get Pokémon location areas
  • explore command to get details of a location and the Pokémon that can be found there
  • catch command to try catching a Pokémon
  • inspect command to get details of a Pokémon that has been caught
  • pokedex command to get a list of all Pokémon that have been caught


While working on this project, I wanted to add the pokémon's image in the terminal interface. I pair-programmed with GPT4 to create a simple image to ascii art converter that allows displaying color images of pokémon in the terminal. Read more about the ascii art converter here.

Future Improvements

  • Use TUI library like Bubble Tea to create a more dynamic and interactive interface